2018 VR/AR Association SENSIKS. winner rising stars award
SENSIKS. was the winner of the VRARA 2018 rising start award with sensory reality as a promising new technology within the mixed reality space.
Second in line was TNO spin-off Tiled Media, a global frontrunner in flexible and affordable, low-latency delivery of extremely high-resolution video content to consumer devices. Through its advanced ClearVR software products and cloud services, distributors of high-resolution content – e.g. 360-degree Virtual Reality video or 180-degree panoramic video – can reach the maximum number of viewers with the highest available quality. Tiledmedia’s ClearVR product portfolio enables advanced streaming features like directional streaming and zooming without resolution loss.
The VR/AR Association (VRARA) is an international organization designed to foster collaboration between innovative companies and brands in the VR and AR ecosystem that accelerates growth, fosters research and education, helps develop industry standards, connects member organizations, and promotes the services of member companies.